Experience the Perfect Chicken

AK F&B specialises in offering premium-grade poultry meat for the HoReCa industry. We are regularising the wholesale Poultry supply through premium-grade products, compliances & streamlined supply chain and efficient logistics network

Premium Produce

Chemical Free

100% fresh & hygienic

Stringent Quality Checks

Halal Cut

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We will help you to grow your business


An exceptionally unique experience tailored to you

We supply fresh and and frozen meat of high quality through B2B and Modern trade. We aim to make meat procurement for the HoReCa industry streamlined and hassle free without compromising on quality or authenticity.

We make continuous and ceaseless efforts to assure the quality of our meat products starting from sourcing of the animal, getting it checked by qualified veterinarians, and following best practices & GMPs during the time of its slaughter till the delivery of the final product (premium grade poultry meat

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